28 heats have been raced today at the South Garda to define the names of the finalists that tomorrow will aim at the titles of this 16th edition of the Rok Cup International Final.
6 heats in the Junior Rok, 10 in the Mini Rok, 4 for the Senior, 4 in the Shifter and 2 for Expert and Super. Briefly, this has been the timetable of the 420 Rokkers facing each other today, in an amazing and never-ending show.
News & Press
11/10/2018 - 19:45
The game is getting tough in the 16th edition of the Rok Cup International Final. This morning the 420 registered Rokkers started the exciting challenge that will culminate with the Finals on Saturday, awarding the 2018 International Champions Titles.
10/10/2018 - 17:15
The entry list of the 2018 edition of the Rok Cup International Final counts 441 drivers...
09/10/2018 - 18:00
Even in this edition, before starting the engines, every record has been beaten and the Rok international final confirms to be as one of the world's greatest karting events.
08/10/2018 - 17:00
A total participation of nearly 600 drivers has been reached thanks to the 350 drivers taking part in the final round of the 28th Autumn Trophy in Lonato. The victory in the final round went to Hold in KZ2, Badoer in 60 Mini, Romeo in Entry Level. In Rok Cup, victory to Irfan in Mini, Albanese in Junior, Molinari in Senior, Bosco in Super, Chiari in Expert, Comanducci in Shifter.
06/10/2018 - 19:30
The 28th Autumn Trophy is underway in Lonato for the Final to be held on October 7th in the presence of 350 drivers coming from 51 different Countries. National categories KZ2, 60 Mini, Entry Level will get on track as well as Rok Cup that will eye the Rok Cup International Final scheduled for Saturday October 13th.
05/10/2018 - 20:00
Numeri record per il 28° Trofeo d’Autunno, ai 240 piloti della prima prova dello scorso 29-30 settembre, la finale del 6-7 ottobre si annuncia con ben 350 piloti iscritti. In questa occasione in gara le categorie nazionali KZ2, 60 Mini, Entry Level, e le categorie della Rok Cup per la Rok Cup Challenge.
01/10/2018 - 20:45
The first round of the 28th Autumn Trophy had 240 drivers at the start. Winners are Dante (KZ2), Irfan (60 Mini), Sala (Entry Level), Trentin (X30 Mini), Villa (X30 Junior), Moretti (X30 Senior), Fornaroli (X30 Master) and Corberi (KFA Nations Cup 2018). The closing round on October 6-7.
29/09/2018 - 19:45
Sono 240 i piloti presenti alla prima prova del Trofeo d’Autunno nel weekend del 29-30 settembre. In gara le categorie nazionali KZ2, 60 Mini, Entry Level, il Trofeo Iame X30 e i kart storici degli Anni 90 per la Finale KFA Nations Cup.
27/09/2018 - 17:30
Bollettino informativo 28° Trofeo d’Autunno
24/09/2018 - 18:45
21/09/2018 - 09:30
Racing activity at South Garda Karting in Lonato will resume next September 29-30 with the first round of the 28th Autumn Trophy, the race opened to national categories and historic karts that will compete for the KFA Nations Cup. The Final round of this trophy will take place on October 6-7 in a joint event with Rok Cup. The Rok Cup International Final will follow on October 10-13, the first round of the WSK Final Cup will then get underway on October 19-21 and the Trofeo delle Industrie on October 26-28.