The winners of the WSK Euro Series will be named after the two weekends of June 23rd in Lonato (BS) and June 30th in Adria (RO). Class KZ2 is heading fast towards its second and closing round in Lonato.
News & Press
21/05/2019 - 12:00
Nel weekend del 19 maggio si è disputato il 4° Trofeo South Garda Karting con un’ottima partecipazione nelle categorie KZ2, KZN, 60 Mini, Entry Level, Rotax e Easykart.
18/05/2019 - 18:45
A Lonato di disputa il 4° Trofeo South Garda Karting con le categorie KZ2, KZN, 60 Mini, Entry Level, Rotax e Easykart. Domenica 19 maggio le Prefinali dalle ore 10.40 e Finali dalle ore 14.30. Live Streaming nel sito
07/05/2019 - 11:15
The 4th South Garda Karting Trophy will take place on May 18th and 19th. Entitled categories are KZ2, KZN, 60 Mini, Entry Level, Rotax and Easykart. The race will be valid for the Regional Championship, Rotax Trophy North Zone and Easykart Italia Trophy.
14/04/2019 - 23:45
L’apertura del Campionato Tedesco DKM al South Garda Karting di Lonato ha visto le vittorie di Rosati e Giannoni in KZ2, Troger in KZ2 Cup, Travisanutto e Haverkort in OK, Wharton e De Haan in OK-Junior.
11/04/2019 - 14:00
After an eight months break, the German Kart Championship is going to start again next weekend. 198 drivers are going to start into the first ranked races on the South Garda Circuit in Lonato (Italy). The events are going to be accompanied by an extensive live-stream and a DKM magazine on MOTORVISION.TV again. At the same time, the highest German kart racing series is going to present its own YouTube channel.
08/04/2019 - 13:00
Spectacle and organization have been the ingredients of the success of the 30th edition of the Andrea Margutti Trophy. The winners of the 6 categories on track are Denner (Sodikart, KZ2), Bertini Colla (OK, KR), Wernersson (OKJ, Kosmic), Bergstrom (Mini, Parolin), Villa (Iame X30, TBKart), Leonardi (KFA) and Piccini (KFA Over 40).
06/04/2019 - 19:15
Qualifying heats on Saturday showed the pace of the main protagonists but Prefinals will be crucial on Sunday morning (at 11.45) to get the best starting places on the Final starting grids (at 14.20).
05/04/2019 - 23:15
Lap times have highlighted the speed of the first protagonists of this great International Karting event that is celebrating its 30th edition at the South Garda Karting in Lonato.
05/04/2019 - 08:30
The 30th edition of the Andrea Margutti Trophy, April 5th-6th-7th at South Garda Karting in Lonato.
01/04/2019 - 11:45
A record participation of 550 drivers took part in the two rounds of the 30th Spring Trophy, whose two rounds have been held on March 17th and 31st, 2019, in Lonato. The winners of the Spring Trophy are Dante (KZ2), Cesari (KZN Under), Nalon (KZN Over), Blum (60 Mini) and Giusto (Entry Level).
28/03/2019 - 19:15
Il 30 e 31 marzo 2019 al South Garda Karting si disputa la prova finale del 30° Trofeo di Primavera. Sabato 30 marzo prove di qualificazione, domenica 31 marzo Prefinali e Finali.