The South Garda Karting Trophy produced a good series of races with 200 drivers on track in the national categories, Easykart Italian Trophy and Rotax Trophy North Area.
News & Press
12/05/2018 - 18:45
National categories, Easykart Italian Trophy and Rotax North Area are about to get on track for the third edition of the South Garda Karting Trophy.
10/05/2018 - 18:30
Domenica 13 maggio a Lonato il terzo Trofeo South Garda Karting. In gara le categorie nazionali, il Trofeo Italiano Easykart e il Trofeo Rotax Zona Nord.
08/05/2018 - 11:45
Al via la terza edizione del Trofeo South Garda Karting: sabato 12 maggio prove libere, domenica 13 maggio prove ufficiali, eventuali manches, Prefinali e Finali. Benzina Tamoil 95 ottani.
28/04/2018 - 21:30
The third edition of the South Garda Karting Trophy will take place in the weekend of May 13th. Entries accepted for categories Entry Level, 60 Mini, KZ2, Rotax and Easykart Trophies.
17/04/2018 - 16:15
Filled fields of participants at the kick-off in Lonato
11/04/2018 - 21:30
180 participants at the season kick-off in Lonato
25/03/2018 - 23:00
A top class spectacle has characterized the second and closing round of the 29th Spring Trophy with national categories and Rok Cup on track for their North Area.
A total of 440 drivers made it onto the track in the opener on March 18th and in the second round on March 25th.
24/03/2018 - 19:15
The 29th Spring Trophy reached level 440 participants in Lonato, summing the 236 drivers present in the Final to be held on Sunday March 25th and the 204 that took part in the first round. National categories and Rok Cup will get on track for their North Area in this occasion.
23/03/2018 - 21:00
About 230 drivers are ready to make it to the track at the eve of the 29th Spring Trophy. On track, national categories and the opener of the Rok Cup North Area.
22/03/2018 - 09:45
Already 165 participants before the season kick-off in Lonato.
20/03/2018 - 14:15
Sabato 24 Marzo prove libere, verifiche sportive. Domenica 25 Marzo consegna transponder, warm-up, Prove Cronometrate, eventuali Batterie/Manches e fase Finale.
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